Our versatile training programs complement each other offering opportunities for dogs and handlers to experience the fun of a variety of dog sports. Companion obedience for the pet owner, competitive obedience and rally, agility and herding all start with the foundation training that develops the communication needed for a rewarding relationship BASIC TRAINING AND INTRODUCTION to AGILITY starts Monday, February 17th, 2025
The beginner class is Basic Training and Introduction to Agility and that class starts on Monday, February 17th at 7 PM. The session of six classes costs $100, cash or check. Registrations are now being taken for this class. The registration form also lists our more advanced classes with their days and times. We offer group training classes in the evenings on our large outdoor fields that are fenced and under lights. Please contact Cindy Meadows at for information and to register for a class.
Cindy Meadows teaches Agility classes 480-809-5385
Anita Easley teaches Basic and Intermediate Training, Advanced Obedience and Rally and Introduction to Agility. She is an AKC Evaluator for AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, CGC & CGCA Testing. Anita Easley
Private herding lessons are limited to MLF students with dogs that have completed the Basic Training class. Cindy Meadows
When TLC and toys are not enough for your new best friend, you need to enroll your puppy in a class that will enrich his life and address the issues of your new parenthood. Start preparing your pet or future competition dog with proper foundation training to meet your needs. The Basic Training and Introduction to Agility class is for dogs and puppies that are at least 4 months of age. Puppies that complete this class who under a year of age receive the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Certificate when they graduate.